The HCRA and the Franklin County Amateur Radio Club held our joint Field Day in School Street Park, Agawam, MA this past weekend. It was two days of fun, camaraderie, and displays of classic ham ingenuity and perseverance. Check out the gallery to relive the good times, or see what you missed if you weren’t there.
Friday night’s storms took out one of our usual antenna supports.The crew helped put together a cool new antenna Marvin, W0MET, brought.Antenna #1: an all-band end-fed wire with an improvised support.Gary, AA1UE, set up his eggbeater-style antennas for portable satellite operation.Marc, K8LSB, put up this compact but effective vertical.CW operations commenced in the bandshell.Our public relations table drew several visitors during the weekend.Bob, K1YO, and Marc, K8LSB, troubleshoot RFI issues at the CW station.Good thing Ez, W1AEZ, had the foresight to lash down the food canopies thoroughly before the storm hit.The bandshell is a great shelter, until the rain starts coming down sideways.Some of the crew found a little bit of shelter in the lee of the bandshell.Bob, K1YO, repairs a tiny SOTA transceiver.Bob, K1YO, and Marvin, W0MET, find a bearing to a HF station.