HCRA’s 75th Anniversary Picnic Celebration on October 7th
HCRA requests everyone “RSVP” to https://bit.ly/45Znlak or QR Code Below and fill out the Picnic Day Celebration questionnaire so we can get an accurate headcount for picnic lunch and activities.

Come and help us celebrate on October 7, 2023, and be part of the HCRA’s 75th Anniversary Picnic Celebration at the School St. Park Pavilion, Corey St. entrance, in Agawam, MA, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
This is an open invitation to club members and amateur radio operators to come and join the HCRA Special Event QRP fun; all licensed hams are encouraged to take part regardless of club affiliation! Bring your radios, antennas, and power source to “Tune in the World” as we get together to share and learn all while having fun.
Included in the fun is the HCRA Celebration Picnic, which starts at 12:00 p.m. If you would like, bring a favorite food dish (potluck) to share with the hamburgers, hot dogs, and beverages. HCRA wants YOU to be a part of it! HCRA requests everyone “Check-In” to the hcra.org website and fill out the Picnic Day Celebration questionnaire so we can get an accurate headcount to be sure there is enough food for everyone and to capture anyone’s interest in taking part as an amateur radio operator, especially if you are a technician level wanting to learn HF operations.
On GPS/WAZE: Enter School Street Park, 436 Corey Street, Agawam, MA.
DRIVING DIRECTIONS: The entrance to School St. Park Pavilion can be accessed from Corey St. The
recommended direction from the Rte. 5 and Rte. 57 rotary is to go south on River Road along the Connecti-
cut River till you see the HCRA signs with balloons and take a right turn on N. Alhambra Circle and then
a quick left to S. Alhambra Circle. Continue on S. Alhambra Circle, which will turn into Corey St. The
entrance to the Agawam Parks & Recreation Pavilion will be on your left after the road turns and the
homes end. HCRA Signs with balloons will mark the path.
This site is handicap accessible, with plenty of parking and restrooms with flush toilets and running water.