HCRA Board of Directors meeting 29-Mar-2018
President – WM1B (Dave)
Vice President – OPEN
Secretary – N1FTP (Harold)
Tech. Dir – K1YO (Bob)
Program Dir. – W1AST (Larry)
Membership – K1VOI (John)
Zero Beat Ed. – W1MOW (Gary)
At Large – KB1RXO (Karl)
——————————— Meeting Open at 7:00pm ———————
President Report:
- For NEQP, (New England QSO Party), the Hampden County rules and award Plaque will change to “Low Power” to make it more attainable for others.
- At our next meeting, we will ask the membership for a volunteer to be the HCRA QSL Manager.
- The Post Office box issue has been resolved by WM1B and N1FTP going to the Agawam Post Office to renew, make document changes, and receive new keys. The PO Box number remains the same.
Vice President Report:
Secretary Report:
- Approval of previous Board of Director’s meeting minutes. Motion: K1YO, 2nd: K1VOI, Approved: YES
- Fifty more copies of the membership welcome package have been made and given to WM1B for distribution.
Treasurers Report:
- The Treasurers report is available on request.
Program Director Report:
- Apr, Show & Tell
- May, ARRL representative
- Jun, Field Day
- Sep, Open
- Oct, DX Engineering
- Nov, ARRL Section Manager, Ray, KB1LRL
At Large Report:
- Nothing to report.
Membership Report:
- 77members so far for 2018 John will put a reminder in Zero Beat for membership renewals.
Technical Director:
- K1YO informed the BOD that the classes are ready and that he will present the class information at the next member meeting. The classes will be for 2-3 people at a time.
- K1YO has also received a request for help from N1TA.
- An article on RFI tracking was found and will be mentioned at the next member meeting as well.
Zero Beat Editor:
- Nothing to report.
Old Business:
– K1VOI is working on W1NY/WB1Z qsl cards. The design has already been chosen.
New Business:
- Work is being done on Membership dues vs payment tracking. Membership dues needs to be reconciled with the Treasurer.
- An offer will be made to the membership that if they did not pay their 2018 dues by now and they do at the time of the meeting, they will be good until the end of 2019. Do we need to change when dues are paid to coincide with our Fiscal Calendar as well?
- More representation is needed at the VE sessions. Hand out welcome pamphlets, help with membership forms, determine interests, offer to bring or meet at the next meeting.
- The Rookie Round-up is coming and the rules have changed quite a bit to encourage more rookie operators. Bring changes to member meeting and offer help and guidance to potential participants.
- Greenfield College is offering extended indepth training for the Technicians Class License. WM1B and K1YO are looking into local sites for a Tech Class cram session.
- WM1B made a very useful “Calendar of Events” document for the BOD to keep track of financial obligations, tax times, insurance renewals, etc.
Open Floor Discussion: (GOO – Good of the Order)
- Field Day 2018 if fast approaching.
- K1YO has made an extensive list of what he needs to have done:
- Need help with the site/equipment setup on Friday June 22.
- Need help for the tear-down on June 24.
- Band captains for each station established are needed… list to follow when it is determined how many stations we will operate this year.
- Assistance is needed for the pre-FD equipment testing in early June. Antenna hardware checks, testing the cable runs, and filter/splitter testing.
- Food preparation will be handled my Mr and Mrs W1AST.
- Publicity/Public Relations help is needed.
- Transportation of the club equipment trailer to/from storage on Friday and Sunday.
- Station operators and loggers needed during the actual event.
- Odds and ends like small quiet generators and loaner equipment will likely be needed again.
All this will be brought up at the next members meeting.
– W1AST has made a great Field Day Proposal for those that help out at the Field Day event. It is the purchase of a uBitz transceiver kit that will be raffled off to only those that help out during the field day event. Details will be brought to the next member meeting. A motion was made and approved for the purchase of the uBitz transceiver. Motion: K1YO, 2nd: K1VOI, Approved: YES.
Next Board of Director’s meeting will be on 19-April-2018.
——————————— Meeting Closed at 9:00pm ———————