HCRA BOD Meeting 17-Aug-2017

HCRA Board of Directors meeting 17-August-2017


President – WM1B (Dave)

Vise President – OPEN

Secretary – N1FTP (Harold)

Treasurer – NV1Q (Juergen)

Program Dir. – W1AST (Larry)

Tech. Dir – K1YO (Bob)

Zero Beat Ed. – WA1MOW (Gary)

Membership – K1VOI (John)

At Large – KB1RXO (Karl)

Guest: Chet N1XPT

——————————— Meeting Open at 7:03pm ———————

President Report:

  • Discussed the importance of delegating responsibilities.

Vice President Report:

  • OPEN

Secretary Report:

  • 2016 “Annual Report” and “990-N” form has been files.

Treasurers Report:

  • The Treasurers report is available on request.

Program Director Report:

  • Sep 8st, is WWFF presentation (KC1AEO)
  • Oct 6th, presentation on DXLabs
  • Nov 3rd, SWLing and Dxing (N1FTP)
  • Dec, 4th, Holiday Party
  • Jan 5th, guest speaker via Skype from DX Engineering.

At Large Report:

  • Nothing to report.

Membership Report:

  • FY 2017 ended with 96 paid members. Because this is renewal time, 4 members have renewed so far.

Technical Director:

  • Nothing to report

Zero Beat Editor:

  • Zero Beat will now be published every other (odd) month starting in September. For the other (even) months, a flier will be published with upcoming announcements and meetings.

Old Business:

  • Larry has found a source for the tumblers that are to be given out to guest speakers rather than take them out to dinner. The BOD approved the purchase of (25) 30oz. tumblers with the HCRA logo. Larry also mentioned that if the members like them, for another $1 each, and a minimum order of 25, so $20 each (prepaid) we can place an order with a persons call sign or name. The purchasing of the the (25) 30oz. tumblers for guest speakers was approved by the BOD.
    • In Favor-8
    • Opposed-0
  • Harold, the Holiday Party with MTARA is still on schedule. Cost to membership is $22 but the club will put in the extra $2 per ticket bringing the price back to $20. Harold will be in contact with Rich (KC1AEO) for tickets to sell. Each club will donate $125 for prizes. MTARA will purchase the prizes. Paying for the extra $2 per ticket was approved by the BOD.
    • In Favor-7
    • Opposed-1

– Dave, raffle tickets for the Yaesu FT-891 and ATAS-120A have been printed and handed out to the BOD for selling. Harold is in charge of ticket tally’s and selling at the meetings.

– Field Day 2017. Jeff has sent the BOD a list of items that needs to be looked at as-soon-as- possible. Those items include the camper, the utility trailer and screw-in anchors vs the sledge type. A more detailed list is available from the BOD.

New Business:

  • The Vice President position is open. While Dave goes to Floriday in the months of February, March, and maybe April, the BOD will conduct the monthly meetings.
  • Post Office keys. Gary now has a key and will periodically pick-up mail. Gary suggested that at least 4 others on the BOD have keys in case of emergency and backup.
  • Facebook host – Dave will have his name removed from the “Group Page”.
  • Web site operations is open and will need someone to step up should we have problems.

Open Floor Discussion: (GOO – Good of the Order)

  • At the next membership meeting, Bob will be discussing upcoming projects were a very limited amount of members would go to his lab and build.
  • Gary discussed his view on why free memberships rules and regulations should be mentioned in our bylaws. Examples would be details on the free first year membershp of a newly licensed hamradio operator and how does one obtain Life Membership. The BOD will discuss at greater length at our next BOD meeting.
  • BOD frequency of meetings will be on the 3rd Thursday of every even month. (Aug, Oct, Dec, Feb, Apr, Jun). The BOD will determine if additional meetings are required on a needed basis. Meeting will be held at the Ihop in West Springfield. Dinner at 6pm, meeting at 7pm.

——————————— Meeting Closed at 8:33pm ———————


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