HCRA BOD meeting notes for 29 Aug 2016

HCRA Board of Directors meeting 29-Aug-2016


President – NT1K

Vice President – WM1B

Secretary – N1FTP

Treasurer – NV1Q

Program Dir. – W1AST

At Large – KB1RXO

Membership – K1VOI



Tech. Dir – K1YO

Zero Beat Ed. – WA1MOW


——————————— Meeting Open at 7:09pm ———————

President Report:

  • Jeff will be delegating more responsibilities. He was overwhelmed, especially at FD. Emphasis this year will be on committed volunteers.
  • PayPal account administrator name needs to be changed.
  • The Web site and domain name has been renewed. The web site is good for 2 years while the domain name is good for 3 years.
  • Ownership of the domain name should also be changed to a BOD member.

Vice President Report:

  • Nothing to report at this time.

Secretary Report:

  • Harold will be liaison for the MTARA/HCRA Holiday. To date, the hall is secured, the date is set, and we are just waiting for the tickets.
  • 43 tickets have been sold in our KX2 raffle.
  • Harold and Dave will get together to discuss submission of the Annual Report as well as the 990 form that needs to be filed.

Treasurers Report:

  • Financial Statement:
    • Beginning Balance: $8985.65
    • Dep/Wdr: $1744.35
    • Ending Balance: $7241.30

Program Director Report:

  • September’s guest speaker will be with K1KP, Tony Brock-Fischer on Solar energy.
  • October’s guest speaker will be W1JSB, Hanz from Radio Set Go.
  • November’s guest speaker will be Dennis N1IMW on the history of Chatham Marconi Maritime Center.

At Large Report:

  • Nothing to report at this time.

Membership Report:

  • Currently there are 22 members including family members. 16 paid members. A big push will be made for renewals in the coming months.

Old Business:

Field Day 2016

  • Field Day overall was a success but things need to change:
    • People/Volunteers need to be dedicated to the entire event. This includes
      • Tower captains
      • Beam captains
      • There needs to be a co-chair who knows the station layouts, radio hookups, etc.
      • Volunteers must be committed to setup and teardown.
    • New stakes will be looked into due to difficulty in removing the old screw type stakes.

Contest University

  • Contest University with Matt and Jeff is nearing completion. There are three parts to the presentation and will tentatively be held on Sept 17th.
  • A motion to have Coffee, Donuts and Pizza at the Contest University presentation.
    • In Favor – 7
    • Apposed – 0

Arduino Class

  • Jurgen has purchased a few more Arduino kits and the ready for a third week in October presentation date. More to follow.

Holiday Party

  • From KC1AEO, Rich, 50% of the work is complete. The Castle of Knights had a deposit for the December 4, 2016 date. The menu is set.
    The tasks that need to be completed at this juncture are to have tickets printed, and to promote the party as we approach the event date.  We will also need to finalize menu plans, floor plan and final head count.
    The first task we need to complete is to have the tickets printed.
    Al Grimaldi KB1XG has already procured some nice prizes for the party including a Accurite weather station with color monitor.

License Classes

  • Jeff has been getting the run around from the WSP library and is now looking into alternative locations. The difficulty is that the classes are held on Wednesday night, Thursday night, and all day Saturday.

New Business:

  • Volunteers, volunteers, volunteers …
  • The ClubLog competition is still going on and the certificates were a good idea.
  • Show and Tell prizes were discussed with a motion to purchase an Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and 2 tickets for the KX2 drawing.
    • In Favor – 7
    • Apposed – 0
  • An Auction discussion was held and will be brought up to the membership in the understanding that there will need to be a lead person as well as volunteers to head this up.


——————————— Meeting Closed at 8:13pm ———————


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