May 7th 2015, IHOP
Meeting called to order at 7:10 by President Ed KB1NWH,
In attendance: Larry W1AST, Gary WA1MOW, Rick N1KXR, Bob K1YO, Jeff NT1K, Dave WM1B, Guests, Faye Krainson,
VP W1MOR Report : Absent No Report
TREASURER AA1YW Report: Absent No Report
SECRETARY WM1B Any Business: Discussion of Ham Club testing Beta Data Base for membership. Consensus is that we not go in at this time, further discussion of keeping our existing DB as one will be discussed at future meetings.
MEMBERSHIP N1KXR Head count: 96 total: 83 Paid, 5 family, 3 Life, 5 Prospects
TECHNICAL K1YO Issues: Any classes coming up? He has been asked by a couple of individuals if we are having a class soon. Jeff will Plan a Technician class this fall. Bob helped a new ham (KC1DKU) put up an antenna this past week. Also setup a switch for KB1VWQ
PROGRAM : W1AST Great Job This year Concern about attendance at last two meetings, A lot attributed to season. We discussed about a time limit of 45min to an hour. Looks like interesting programs in the works for next year. Discussion on a possible weekend (Sat) training session on DX Labs. Guest speakers enjoy the dinner.
AT-LARGE NT1K. FD Update: Plea for help went out. All stations have captains. Towers: The 4th tower that was borrowed in the past is no longer available. We are currently looking for a 4th AB 577 tower to use or purchase. We are looking to operate as a 5A . If we can’t get an additional AB577 tower we will operate as 4A. One as a WRTC tower and operate as a CW station only. The set up and equipment test will be at Dave’s QTH for Sunday, May 17 at 10AM.
Park: An E-Mail to the park was sent, we are still waiting for the response regarding specific details. Raffle: TBD
Website: Major updates with some patches. About 50 unique hits a day, Special pages are getting good hits. HCRA BOD to be discussed at next meeting with new board.
ZB WA1MOW Dead line date? Gary requested that no additions be submitted after the draft published. Content is to be submitted to Gary. May 29 – closing date for June issue. Question regarding taking ads for ZB. Decision was that we do not want to enter into this issue.
Holiday Party: Discussion regarding locations. Table for next Board Meeting: June 11, 7:00 PM
Target Cost per member $20 for a total cost of $35 maximum including gratuity.
Slate of 2015-2016 Officers
President Jeff NT1K
Vice President OPEN
Treasurer Juergen NV1Q
Secretary Dave WM1B
Membership John K1VOI
Technical Bob K1YO
Program LarryW1AST
At Large Eric W1MOR
Zero Beat Gary WA1MOW
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM
Respectively Submitted,
David Fant Secretary WM1B