Mar 12th Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting Started 7:15

VP W1MOR Report.  Nothing to report

TREASURER AA1YW Report.  Balance $9095.  KX3 profit $781.22.  Christmas party cost $931, Used 40 meter beam cost $200, Donation HMC $250, Donation Agawam Park and Rec $250

SECRETARY – WM1B : Any Business.  Paper work up to date

MEMBERSHIP N1KXR Head count 102 members

TECHNICAL K1YO Report.  Online tech time- waiting for participants.  Assist WM1B with antenna when weather a little better.  Assist KA1DDv with headset wiring.

PROGRAM W1AST Who is our next speaker? High Altitude Ballooning – Larry Palmer (NW1X).  Speaker for may secured

AT-LARGE NT1K.  Outstanding Job at the Flea!  Working on welcome packets for the new hams from the VE sessions.  Ericand Larry to assist.  Web site up to date, New button for FD 2015.  In process of creating a New member form for the web site.

ZB WA1MOW Dead line date? 3/27.  Want copy of database for e-mail addresses.


Organize slate of officers

Pres – NT1K
VP – Open
Treasurer – Juergen NV1Q
Secretary – WM1B
Membership – Open
Technical – K1YO
Program – Open
At Large – W1MOR

FD 2015

Jeff had sent out a wake up a while ago.  Now we need to start acting.

Need to definitely have a test and tune day.  We have all new antennas to us, and FD is not the time to guess. The trailer is at AA1YW’s and the other 40 meter beam is at W1MOR’s.

I Sent an e-mail to MTARA about selling us a AB577.  If not then we need to borrow one.  Frandy?  Steve (N1SR)?,MTARA?

We need to start getting operators, band captains, and set up crew organized.

The park is secured.  Not sure on the usage of the new band shell or power.  There is a nice pavilion there but not sure about the usage of that either.  I will talk to Chris about these in the next month.

Should there be a FD committee or should it be the board? There should be its own committee


Jeff NT1K mentioned about the club building another antenna.  This time it would be a Stub J Pole AKA, OSJ pole.  For a fee of $35 he would supply the materials for you to build.

Next BOD meetings:

Both at the IHOP in West Springfield
May 7th
June 11th

Meeting ended 8:45


Respectively Submitted