HCRA Board Meeting September 18, 2014

HCRA Board Meeting September 18, 2014

Opened at 7:06

Dave AA1YW
Larry W1AST
Jeff NT1K
Gary W1MOW
Dave WM1B

Dave AA1YW:    Cost of Analyzer was not budgeted nor was the cost of the Badges. Income: $1266.22. Expenses: $1266.13   Balance 9/18/2014 $9508.72

Gary W1MOW submitted a bill for the last Zero Beat printing and mailing

Frandy submitted a bill through the President for $60 for recognition gifts.

Dave Fant volunteered to print and mail the Zero Beat Newsletter to the 5 members who receive the ZB by snail mail. He will also verify that the recipients do not have an EM address.

Membership: Only 36 have paid dues (does not include Pay Pal – which will be added about 15)  Will included information in Zero Beat regarding dues.

Program, W1AST: No program yet for October meeting.  Any suggestions should  be sent  to Larry.  Board will put program together.  All asked are willing to speak in a couple of months. We may do a general meeting with a varied program.

Secretary: Minutes were put onto the web, but did not  get published  Were published on 9/18/2014

Webmaster Jeff NT1K gave a tutorial on the use of the Web and posting documents to the Web.

New Business: Holiday Party Ed to finalize plans, Webmaster to provide advertisement on Web Page

Next meeting: Bank Conference Room Nov 13@ 7:00 PM  Board members urged to get payments in for Badges and shirts

David Fant/WM1B, Secretary



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