It’s spring cleaning time in the HCRA Field Day trailer. We need to make room for the new equipment coming our way from the WRTC stations later this year. So…..
Offered to HCRA members only at an unbelievable price are two (yes two!) 15 meter mono-band HF Yagi antennas. Both antennas are used but in good condition, nothing badly bent or broken and are 99% complete. We purchased these a few years back prior to using tri-plexers, they are now surplus to our needs. We paid $75 each for them but can be yours for $35 each. I’ll have them with me at this Friday’s meeting. Seems like a good item to sell considering the meeting is all about Yagi antennas, eh?
One antenna is similar to a Cushcraft 15-3CD and may well indeed be an older version of that antenna. It features three elements on a 12′, 2″ boom. Feed point is a gamma match. All hardware, boom to mast bracket, U-bolts and clamps are included. Some of the hardware is SS. Take a look at this beauty!

Next up is another three element 15 meter yagi on a longer 16′ x 2″ boom. Once again in fine condition but it’s heritage is unknown. All hardware, some SS, no bends or breaks and includes a pigtail attached to the beta or hairpin match. Feast your eyes on this one!
Price for either beam, if you’re an HCRA member, is $35. What can you do with these antennas?
1. Put them up. 15 meters is HOT!
2. Turn them into a different antenna. At this price you could build almost anything.
3. Use the parts to repair/modify a current antenna.
4. Build some 1/4 wave verticals, or perhaps a vertical array.
5. Keep the hardware and sell the aluminum as scrap. At almost .50 cents/pound you’ll get most of your money back and you’ll still have lots of hardware!
I’ll have them in the back of my truck Friday evening, all packed and wrapped and ready to go. The Cushcraft? is a package about 12′ long, the ‘unknown’ one is about 14′ long. Easily carried on a cars luggage rack. I also have a reprint of the Cushcraft 15-3CD manual.
Please don’t call or email, the only way you can get these antennas, at this price, is to attend Friday’s meeting! While you’re there stay for the Yagi seminar by Bob/K1YO, see your friends and grab a coffee or snack from Bruce’s donut bar.